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Visible Insights

 Visible Insights provides a project management consultancy service for medium to large enterprise businesses. The three partners of
Visible Insights, have a grand vision, and lots of personality with years of professional expertise. The trio wanted to stand out in the market and break free form standard corporate monotony and provide a more visual way of connecting with their audience.


Brand Strategy, Logo Design,
Brand Guidelines, Business Cards, Illustration, Stationary Suite,
responsive Website.


Strategist: Terri Bertakis
Design: Terri Bertakis


I worked closely with the Director and partners to provide a brand strategy worksheet to clarify and define what Visible Insights stood for. From the strategy session we defined their vision, mission and values which helped solidify and shape the brand foundations into a clear direction. This allowed to identify a personality for the brand that would differentiate themselves from the market and also provide a compelling story for their audience.

Ideas developed around the theme of 'data revealing a eureka moment of insight' like a light bulb moment with a solution to a problem, a new idea, a burst of enthusiasm, a new way of approaching a solution.



The final logo symbol represents a combination of data visualisation into a thought provoking burst of insight. The direction of the triangles positively point upwards in an forward motion as well as outwards in a projection motion.

All the design elements unite together to offer a relationship of three key outcomes; cost - scope - time... when united with honest data this can amplify any business to move forward in the right direction.

The personality of the brand reflects, professionalism, quality, conscise, efficient effort with a whole lot of friendly, personable people working collaboratively with their clients to achieve targeted success. I created infographic style visuals which appropriately match data and conceptual messages together to simply and effectively enhance the brands ongoing communication.