
Baptist Care

Baptist Care identified the shadow side of domestic violence,
that sufferers try to hide behind their work face.
I was tasked to create a campaign around the seven types of Domestic Violence,
to recognise and increase awareness of this concern.

Campaign brand design, posters, brochure, Information cards and photo-shoot.

Client: Baptist Care
Completed at Step Change (2016)

Creative Direction:
Adam Searle
Art Direction and Design:
Terri Bertakis
Photo-shoot Production:
Lucy Tucker


Baptist Care approached Step Change to increase awareness around the sensitive topic of the different types of domestic violence for stakeholders within the organisation.

The idea that at a person may be coming to work wearing two personas, hiding behind a sensitive issue, is more than skin deep, its a highly likely fact. We created a campaign with the theme that there are two sides to every person, and whilst one side may appear happy the other can be dauntingly different. Working alongside Baptist Care brand and White Ribbon, we created a dramatic look and feel emphasising the seven types of domestic violence, showcasing this with double exposure montage technique and custom photo-shoot.

The response was a success, with high click rate to the campaign landing page, and workshop discussions using the information cards and posters, led to an engaged and well received campaign, that they wanted to use the artwork for external public advertisement.  


Domestic Violence awareness cards